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The training of trainers was conceptualized as PASWI’s support mechanism to capacitate local government as well as non-government social workers  in psychosocial intervention as a mode of helping people rooted on Social Work case management. The knowledge and skills in case management and psychosocial intervention are important to their work , especially since they are directly engaged in working with people on one hand,  and may find themselves providing technical assistance to incoming social workers and para-professionals on the other.

Specifically, it is expected that by the end of the training the participants should have --


  1. Reviewed and appreciated their existing knowledge and practice in Social Work helping process.


  1. Demonstrated enhanced knowledge and skills in case management practice and psychosocial intervention that can contribute in the provision of technical assistance to other service workers in the field.


  1. Demonstrated ability in differential application of approaches and perspectives in their Social work practice.


  1. Recognized and appreciated the functions and responsibilities of a case manager with discriminating practice in psychosocial intervention.


  1. Acquired confidence and beginning competency in training other social workers and service providers who need enhancement and capacitation in case management and psychosocial intervention.


Mental Health Care Intervention Training for Social Workers, Frontline Workers and Community Responders of Pandemic and Complex Emergencies: A Virtual Trainers’ Training

March 3-5, 2021

Rationale and Objectives:

PASWI recognizes the complexities of serving the Philippine society especially when some of its people continue to suffer from mental health due to human and environmental factors. Not even individuals in the helping professions are spared from mental and physical challenges that stem from work-related stresses and anguishes. Thus, PASWI has conceptualized a training of trainers to strengthen the capacity of social workers in applying mental health care and psychosocial interventions not only to the people they serve but to themselves as well. The proposed training for social work professional’s is anchored on the Social Work case management that utilizes the generalist approach in conducting appropriate assessment and in analyzing intervention practice behaviors.

The knowledge and skills in mental-health integrated interventions and interdisciplinary team approach to case management are important components of professional micro, mezzo and macro social work practice. This Training of Trainers is one major initiative that will assist social workers to train new or incoming social workers, frontline workers and community responders in acquiring additional knowledge, skills and competencies in addressing mental health in their agencies and local communities.

Specifically, it is expected that by the end of the training the participants will: 


  1. Demonstrate the ability to apply social work approaches and tools in case management (problem-solving approach via community assessment, SWOT trauma-based community mental health)

  2. Define the functions and responsibilities of a case manager as an interdisciplinary leader in a community setting (as advocate, problem solver, etc.)

  3. Acquire skills in training other social workers and service providers who are committed to undergo a training in mental health care via interdisciplinary setting. (use of multidisciplinary approach, assessment of other approaches being used by other teams)

  4. Develop a training design that matches the needs of Community Mental Health Carers and the communities they serve. (training framework on community mental health using an integrated model)

  5. Acquire knowledge and skills in organizing an interdisciplinary mental health team that are transferable to other facets of community engagement (group processes, analytical frameworks, SWOT analysis, and discussions of lessons learned from other models)

  6. Review and acquire new and additional knowledge, perspectives and skills in Social Work such as ecological perspective, systems theory, strengths- based perspective, critical theory, and gender-based perspective, LGBTQ, among others.

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